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Computer and Internet Use Guidelines

  • Computer users must sign in at the circulation desk.

  • Access to a computer is limited to 30 minutes if there is a waiting list.

  • The library reserves the right to refuse computer privileges to any patron whose library card is suspended as a result of outstanding fines, charges, or other infractions.

  • Children under the age of 18 must be supervised by a parent or guardian or have an Internet use form signed and on file.

  • The library computers are public access. For security and privacy reasons, computer users are advised to sign out of any personal accounts before ending their session.

  • Computer users may not install or download software programs or files onto the library computer’s hard drive. Users are not to attempt to breach the library’s computer security systems or attempt to access the hard drive, other files, networks, or computer systems of the library.

  • If a computer experiences technical difficulty, please advise a staff member. The library’s network is maintained by an offsite support company.

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